Article Analysis

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The article: Starting with the title as we can see in image 1 and 2 there are 2 different ones. The one in image 1 gives you information about what the topic is going to be about, but they don’t mention Marion Gross by her name. With the help of the image we would have visuals about her but not her name. As for the second image it doesn’t give as much information and the who would be McDonald’s not Marion Gross. Both of the titles give importance to Marion Gross by using an image of her which is good because she is the reason why this change happened. The article is very strong and hits all the criteria needed to be well informative. The article takes place in the United states McDonald’s shops. What happens is in the spring of 2018 McDonald’s changes frozen beef to fresh beef for the quarter pounder. According to what Marion Gross said this change would please the customers and after the change the sales went up. This article is also taken very seriously, especially since it includes the safety of others and they go way into detail on how they made a big effort and spent a lot of money to ensure safety.
Image 2
I also wanted to mention that Marion Gross was introduced with her job title at McDonalds and was given the recognition she deserves. I think the structure of the article is very good, it starts out with a great introduction that includes the reader in a way. There are also subheadings which I think are very important when you have long articles. If the reader doesn’t want to read it all and for example wants to read about how they made sure the change would be safe they can go to the section Focus on safety. This article is targeted to people who live in America since that is where the change was made. To others who do not live in America it might still apply to them if they have a McDonald’s close to them and they could see that the company cares about their customers. It seems that everything in the article is credited accordingly, it includes information on who wrote the story, who took the video and who took the images.
The video: Right off the start of the video we see an old commercial for the McDonald’s quarter pounder which gives out great context on what the video is going to be about. The interviewer also gives an introduction with a little bit of history on the subject and information on what the video will be about. This video also includes an interview with the chief supply chain officer for McDonald’s in North America, Marion Gross who gives detail about the change from frozen beef to fresh beef. There are also video references to what was mentioned in the interview, for example when they mention that food safety is important and feature a clip to when Chipotle had to close because of an E.coli scare. I think these references make the video much better and because we live in an age where people don’t read as much and rely a lot on visuals this video gives out a lot of good information. As for the interview it includes question about the future which would give people assurance that things will change.


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