Article Analysis
Link: Image 1 The article: Starting with the title as we can see in image 1 and 2 there are 2 different ones. The one in image 1 gives you information about what the topic is going to be about, but they don’t mention Marion Gross by her name. With the help of the image we would have visuals about her but not her name. As for the second image it doesn’t give as much information and the who would be McDonald’s not Marion Gross. Both of the titles give importance to Marion Gross by using an image of her which is good because she is the reason why this change happened. The article is very strong and hits all the criteria needed to be well informative. The article takes place in the United states McDonald’s shops. What happens is in the spring of 2018 McDonald’s changes frozen beef to fresh beef for the quarter pounder. According to what Marion Gross said this change would please the customer...